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It was a clever way of pointing out the radically different nature of the two exhibits. Isabella De Bourchgrave's work, now showing at the Legion, is indeed made of paper. Her pieces are three-dimensional, life-sized statues in historical costumes. Inspired by portraits, fashions of the past and designers such as Fortuny, each bit is painted to resemble the brocades, silks, embroideries, and accessories of the period. Several of the figures even have their own paper mache little dog. It's a fun show, displaying her amazing craftsmanship and a gorgeous tribute to the characters that inspired De Bourchgrave's work - Marie Antoinette, Marie De Medici, Elizabeth 1, the fashion designer Fortunay and many others.
During the past two decades, Joe Saunders has assembled some fascinating evidence that an indigenous mound-building culture rose first in northern Louisiana then somehow spread to the Gulf Coast of Mexico around 1,600 BC. The theory may seem far-fetched to laymen, but there is evidence to support Saunders' interpretations of artifacts and archaeological sites.
The Olmecs are considered to be the first civilization of Meso America, and arrived on the shores of the Gulf of Mexico around 1400 B.C. From where, no one knows except that they had an idea for big well-carved multi-ton statues in men with negroid features and a knowledge of magnetism. They incorporated the properties of north-south polarization into their statuary, the alignment of their cities and may well have used magnetic effects for rituals, if not also for navigation.
What the numbers cannot tell is the atmosphere that you can breathe in Mexico, the feeling given by splendid archaeological sites that are permanent memories and a key to understand the pre-Columbian empires, annihilate by the conquers; wounded in the jungle, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, the Mayan Ruins, the Mexico Aztec temples, the Olmecs?s colossal head and the rest of other civilizations are everywhere in Mexico.
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