Easy Keratosis Pilaris Apple Cider Vinegar Remedy
If you're one of those people who suffer from unsightly raised bumps on the top of your arms, you'll probably want to know what keratosis pilaris is and how it's caused and how Apple Cider Vinegar can help . First of all, be assured, that you're not the only one with this condition. Surprisingly it's more common than you think, with an estimated 40 - 50 % of adults and 50 - 80 % of adolescents reporting some form of the condition.
Keratosis Pilaris is a very common but harmless condition where the skin becomes rough and bumpy. The appearance is similar topermanent goose bumps and is often referred to as chicken skin, as it resembles the skin of a plucked chicken. Affected areas are usually covered in tiny, spiky bumps, about the size of a grain of sand, which can be flesh colored, white in color or red, and will feel rough to the touch, a little bit like sandpaper.
Its known to run in in families, the condition is hereditary, and the unfortunate news is that if one parent suffers from Keratosis Pilaris, you will have a one in two chance of developing the condition yourself. Simply put Keratosis Pilaris happens when your body produces too much keratin, the white protein based substance found in the top layers of the skin. The keratin builds up over the hair follicles like a little plug, preventing the hairs from growing normally, and giving the skin in the area a bumpy, spotty appearance.
It can affect all areas of the body, although the most common place to be affected is the back and outer sides of the upper arms, with some sufferers finding that they suffer from bumps on their buttocks and the front of the thighs too. Occasionally sufferers will have patches of 'chicken skin' on their forearms and the upper back, with the most rare variant affecting the face, scalp, eyebrows and, for some unlucky people, the entire body. The only parts of the body it can't affect are the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, as these are covered in glabrous skin - i.e. skin with no hair follicles. The Keratosis Pilaris Apple Cider Vinegar treatment that a lot of sufferers swear by is as follows: adding 2 cups of Apple Cider Vinegar to a warm bath for 30 minutes. Do this for 1 month. You can also apply Apple Cider Vinegar to affected area before bed.
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